韩国皇土美人负离子面膜 Korea Loess A Beauty Mask

By Happy452 - Thursday, March 11, 2010

在去年的 International Beauty Expo 2009 购买了以上的面膜。Cyn 提起过这韩国皇土美人负离子面膜在韩国很受欢迎的,剛好当日在exhibition hall 有促销活动。好像买一盒原价就能以半价购得第二盒之类的。



圣品皇土美人系列产品是以高品质的韩国赤黄土、负离子石及保湿因子组合而成。透过汉本美学及现代科学技术的结合,为了创造美丽所研发。黄土共有五色,其中 以赤黄土含有最高的负离子能量,是古代韩国皇室才能使用的珍贵成分,而圣品皇土美人 100% 选用效能最佳的赤黄土,提供您如同韩国皇室等级的高贵品质及呵护。

功效: 促进新陈代谢、清洁皮肤洁净毛孔、缩小毛孔,还可以嫩白你的皮肤。



黄土 (Loess)含有多钟矿物质和元素,粒子非常细小且洁净力强,又带有微荷电,涂抹在皮肤上可轻易将死皮、汗腺和皮质毛孔中的污物吸附,达到清洁效果。且含有抗酸化 酵素(SOD)、抗菌酵素可抑制霉菌细菌的效能,并可排除人体内毒素洁净肌肤。可以加强污垢代谢,紧致焕亮肌肤,具有防止老化的效果。含有皇土精华的珍贵水

皇土矿泉水 (Loess Water)可有效排除皮肤上化妆品遗留之毒素、重金属、环境污染造成之有害物质。保湿层强化锁水

赛络美 (Ceramide)是一种存在于皮肤角质层的细胞间的脂质成分能防止水分的蒸发,阻止有碍物质的侵袭,能够保护肌肤。随年龄的增加以及外来环境的变化,皮肤中的赛络美会逐渐流失,所以提供皮肤易于吸收的赛络美是预防肌肤老化的根本要素。卓越的持久保湿因子

玻尿酸 (Hyaluronic Acid)扮演着皮肤内的天然保湿因子的角色,能够吸收水分,充分保湿可使皮肤更具弹性,以及恢复油水平衡状态。美化肌肤、增进亮丽 – 植物草本配方 (Herb)九节草、马齿苋、红参、石榴、绿茶、榆白皮、芦荟及洗印度樱桃。




干性的脸要敷 5分钟

我第一次用是將一包的粉量再加入Fresh的玫瑰水 (是我很喜欢的一样产品) 搅拌成膏状再涂抹。一包的量实在太多了…涂完整脸及颈部还有多遗…只好一直往脸上添涂。其实半包的粉已足涂完整脸包括颈部,所以之后我每次敷脸都只用半包而己。不过千万不要等到全干,粉末会掉下来哦。再来就是面膜不易沖洗掉,而且記得沖洗一下洗脸盆要不然会留下黃色的污迹喔。

敷完脸,觉的脸皮好干,之后我会接下来再敷保湿面膜啦。她的確有清洁皮肤及洁净毛孔的功效,刚洗完脸肌膚有變的嫩白透淨但就是太干了。还有我也不喜欢那种肌肤被“提拉” 的很紧致(在等面膜干的时候) 动一动脸皮面膜就裂开。我是那种边敷面膜边做事的人啦。

我个人不是很推荐,我用了半盒就送人了因为之后我感觉脸皮超干。现在我脸皮超敏感的,不知道是不是面膜不适合我用,导致敏感原因之一 sweat 。我想这个皇土美人面膜应该很适合油性肌肤吧。

Korea Loess A Beauty Ion Negative Mask Loess has the effect of anti-oxidant; reduce heat, metabolisms and relaxation. In ancient time, Korea royal family has one 3 acres loess room for relaxation purposes. Now, there is quite a number of loess SPA in Korea as it can improve health and metabolisms. They are precious to Korean. Loess can be found at 25 to 45 pei wei, the place whereby its loess is at the best temperature and best humidity, where all the previous antique are kept like mummies. Korean pure ginseng is also grown in this loess that full of minerals. Loess has five colours; pure, green, black, white and yellow. Among these, pure loess is the highest range and the best grade. Hence, loess contains the infrared and negative ion. Whilst, black clay and black loess is the lowest grade. Negative Ion can bring out the positive ion dirt from our skin and infrared can activate the skin, anti aging and brighten up your face.

Q: What effect does the excellent works Korea Loess a Beauty product has?
A: Promotion metabolism, clean skin and purify pores, reduce pore size, but may also the tender in vain your skin.

The Main Ingredients :
1) Live Organism - Loess1 gm of loess consists of more than 20 billion micro lives and able to match with other enzymes, to develop the metabolisms, having an outstanding lively, de-toxic, absorption and cleansing. The enriched mineral can deep clean the pores, activate skin metabolism, brighten up the complexion, renew skin and tighten up the pores.

2) Loess Water - The loess water consists of the precious loess mineral. It is the pure loess water that purified from the based of loess.
3) Ceramide - The Hydrating BaseCeramide is a nature content in between of our skin cells and it's comprise of 50% of our human skin layer composition. It's function is to lock the moisture of our skin and prevent it from environmental assault.

4) The Advancement Hydration - Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a hydrating cell in the skin which can absorb up to 500 times of it own water. A hydrated skin can makes the face feels resilient and balance.
Suitable for All Skin types. Especially for Acne Prone skin , dull skin & sensitive skin.

Use 1-2 times per week & you can follow the recommended timing based on different type of skin too.
Oily Skin : 15 minutes
Combination Skin : 10 minutes
Dry Skin : 5 minutes

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