Hokkaido~Summer Holiday 2008 夏之旅~北海道

By Happy452 - Tuesday, August 12, 2008

If you are going to Japan, Hokkaido 北海道 is one of the popular place to go. Hokkaido is an island located north end of Japan. I and my sister finally decided to go to Japan this mid July 2008 and Hokkaido is our first place to set our foot in Japan. It will be summer in Hokkaido which is her popular floral season especially height of the lavender blooming period during end of July. onionheademoticon15_thumb
Without wasting too much time on choosing which traveling agencies, we had picked AppleHoliday which suppose to be good in organising Japan tour. The all-in tour fare came up to about RM7k each person for 8D6N. Really expensive. The tour will be flying with MAS and transit to domestic flight in Narita to Hokkaido. There is no direct flight to Hokkaido from Malaysia. If you choose to take JAL airline, it will costs you extra RM200-RM300 each person and yet you still need to have transit flight.

Malaysia Hormony offered a lower price but the tour will stop and stay a night at Shanghai before departing to Hokkaido. If I could recall correctly, the all-in price around RM6k per pax.

聽到北海道就很興奮 onionheademoticon15_thumb ,只因她是個值得去旅遊的好去處。尢其是夏冬季,夏季賞花冬季賞雪两個截然不同的情景。既然選了夏季,那就不能錯過當地聞名的薰衣草盛開的旺季囉 ~~ 那就是七月中至尾了。


Malaysia Harmony 就便宜的多,不過不直飛日本反而飛往上海住一晚,隔天再乘機飛北海道。個人旅費大概只需六千馬幣左右。

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